Your entire being is designed to be balanced, grounded, thriving, and healthy.  Sometimes we need a little help to get there.  At Body Renewal, our mission is to help facilitate your natural ability to heal.  We use a combination of Integrative Massage Therapy, Energy Work, and Myofascial Release Techniques to assist clients on their path to optimum health and wellness.

You deserve to enjoy your life! This includes being present in your body and living your healthiest self. We are honored to help you along this journey!

“You are a beautiful liquid crystalline fractal of immense consciousness, love, joy, and wisdom.” John F. Barnes

Body Renewal is located at:

(Map) 672 Pittsford-Victor Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

in the historic Binder’s Building

(Between Fruit & Salad Co. and Richardson’s Canal House).

Hours: Weekdays-Daytime, and By Appointment Only.